What are the Traits Necessary to Be an Engineer?

Every fingerprint from the sample scanned & analyzed by PRiADI psychological fingerprints analysis system. The results of the analysis below show a significant comparison of personality traits between the two groups.

How Does Socio-Economic Status Determine a Student's Personality?

The Psychological Traits of Students based on Socio-Economic Level.

Are Your Children Born with Autism?

Our study discovers most of the autism sample has a very low level in social function and need for closeness
& affection from others. It means they predicted tend to be individualistic, very selective in building a
friendship, focus on their self-interests, and even seem care-less or reluctant in social interaction.

What Career is Fit for Autistic Children?

Our study discovers most of the autism sample has a very high level of investigative, realistic, &
conventional skills. It means they are predicted to tend to be very curious about their ideas,
independent, practical, perseverant, structural, need stability, and insisted on order and accuracy
in their work. Thus, they predicted to be very excellent in technical knowledge and applications.

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